Saturday, October 11, 2008



When in England, at a fairly large conference, Colin Powell was asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury if our plans for Iraq were just an example of empire building by George Bush.

He answered by saying, 'Over the years, the United States has sent many of its fine young men and women into great peril to fight for freedom beyond our borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked for in return is enough to bury those that did not return.'

You could have heard a pin drop.


There was a conference in France where a number of international engineers were taking part, including French and American. During a break, one of the French engineers came back into the room saying 'Have you heard the latest dumb stunt Bush has done? He has sent an aircraft carrier to Indonesia to help the tsunami victims. What does he intended to do, bomb them?'

A Boeing engineer stood up and replied quietly : 'Our carriers have three hospitals on board that can treat several hundred people; they are nuclear powered and can supply emergency electrical power to shore facilities; they have three cafeterias with the capacity to feed 3,000 people three meals a day, they can produce several thousand gallons of fresh water from sea water each day, and they carry half a dozen helicopters for use in transporting victims and injured to and from their flight deck. We have eleven such ships; how many does France have?'
You could have heard a pin drop.
A U.S. Navy Admiral was attending a naval conference that included Admirals from the U.S. , English, Canadian, Australian and French Navies. At a cocktail reception, he found himself standing with a large group of Officers that included personnel from most of those countries. Everyone was chatting away in English as they sipped their drinks but a French admiral suddenly complained that, whereas Europeans learn many languages, Americans learn only English.' He then asked, 'Why is it that we always have to speak English in these conferences rather than speaking French?'
Without hesitating, the American Admiral replied 'Maybe it's because the Brits, Canadians, Aussies and Americans arranged it so you wouldn't have to speak German.'
You could have heard a pin drop.
Robert Whiting, an elderly gentleman of 83, arrived in Paris by plane. At French Customs, he took a few minutes to locate his passport in his carry on. 'You have been to France before, monsieur?' the customs officer asked sarcastically.
Mr. Whiting admitted that he had been to France previously.
'Then you should know enough to have your passport ready.'
The American said, ''The last time I was here, I didn't have to show it."
'Impossible. Americans always have to show your passports on arrival in France !' stated the customs officer.
The American senior gave the Frenchman a long hard look. Then he quietly explained, ''Well, when I came ashore at Omaha Beach on D-Day in 1944 to help liberate this country,I couldn't find a single Frenchmen to show a passport to.'
You could have heard a pin drop.


May 25, 2008


Ken Blackwell
Columnist for the New York Sun

It's an amazing time to be alive in America. We're in a year of firsts in this presidential election: the first viable woman candidate; the first viableAfrican-American candidate; and, a candidate who is the first front running freedom fighter over 70. The next president of America will be a first.We won't truly be in an election of firsts, however, until we judge every candidate by where they stand. We won't arrive where we should be until we no longer talk about skin color or gender.

Now that Barack Obama steps to the front of the Democratic field, we need to stop talking about his race, and start talking about his policies and his politics. The realty is this: Though the Democrats will not have a nominee until August, unless Hillary Clinton drops out, Mr. Obama is now the frontrunner, and its timeAmerica takes a closer and deeper look at him.

Some pundits are calling him the next John F. Kennedy. He's not. He's the next George McGovern. And it's time people learned the facts. Because the truth is that Mr. Obama is the single most liberal senator in the entire U.S. Senate. He is more liberal than Ted Kennedy, Bernie Sanders, or Mrs. Clinton. Never in my life have I seen a presidential front runner whose rhetoric is so far removed from his record. Walter Mondale promised to raise ourtaxes, and he lost. George McGovern promised military weakness, and he lost. Michael Dukakis promised a liberal domestic agenda, and he lost. Yet Mr. Obama is promising all those things, and he's not behind in the polls.Why? Because the press has dealt with him as if he were in a beauty pageant.

Mr. Obama talks about getting past party, getting past red and blue, to lead the United States of America. But let's look at the more defined strokes of who he is underneath this superficial 'beauty.'

Start with national security, since the president's most important duties are as commander-in-chief. Over the summer, Mr. Obama talked about invading Pakistan, a nation armed with nuclear weapons; meeting without preconditions with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who vows to destroy Israel and create another Holocaust; and Kim Jong II, who is murdering and starving his people, but emphasized that the nuclear option was off the table against terrorists - something no president has ever taken off the table since we created nuclear weapons in the 1940s. Even Democrats who have worked in national security condemned all of those remarks. Mr. Obama is a foreign-policy novice who would put our national security at risk.

Next, consider economic policy. For all its faults, our health care system is the strongest in the world. And free trade agreements, created by Bill Clinton as well as President Bush, have made more goods more affordable so that even people of modest means can live a life that no one imagined a generation ago.Yet Mr. Obama promises to raise taxes on 'the rich.'

How to fix Social Security?Raise taxes.
How to fix Medicare? Raise taxes.
Prescription drugs? Raise taxes.
Free college? Raise taxes.
Socialize medicine? Raise taxes.

His solution to everything is to have government take it over. Big Brother on steroids, funded by your paycheck.

Finally, look at the social issues.
Mr. Obama had the audacity to open a stadium rally by saying, 'All praise and glory to God!' but says that Christian leaders speaking for life and marriage have 'hijacked' - hijacked - Christianity. He is pro-partial birth abortion, and promises to appoint Supreme Court justices who will rule any restriction on it unconstitutional. He espouses the abortion views of Margaret Sanger, one of the early advocates of racial cleansing. His spiritual leaders endorse homosexual marriage, and he is moving in that direction. In Illinois, he refused to vote against a statewide ban on all handguns in the state. These are radical left, Hollywood, and San Francisco values, not Middle America values.

The real Mr. Obama is an easy target for the general election. Mrs. Clinton is a far tougher opponent. But Mr Obama could win if people don't start looking behind his veneer and flowery speeches.

His vision of 'bringing America together' means saying that those who disagree with his agenda for America are hijackers or war mongers.

Uniting the country means adopting his liberal agenda and abandoning any conflicting beliefs. But right now everyone is talking about how eloquent of a speaker he is and -yes - they're talking about his race. Those should never be the factors on which we base our choice for president.

Mr. Obama's radical agenda sets him far outside the American mainstream, to the left of Mrs. Clinton. It's time to talk about the real Barack Obama.



Original Message -----

Bill Cosby on Rev. Wright

Article from Wall Street Journal:

Rev. Wright epitomizes the thoughts and actions that have prevented and continue to prevent black America from moving ahead and achieving their potential as a people. He suggests that this United States of America made up of sons and daughters of immigrants (I'm talking of the millions of 1st, 2nd, 3rd generation immigrants in this country) of every race, creed, color and religion each and everyone of them who had nothing to do with slavery, some how owe something to a group of people who have never been slaves?

Its amazing. It seems everyone is to blame for the shambles black society is in with its violence, drugs, high school drop out rates, misogyny, and a host of other real and virulent problems, except for the very people who engage in such behavior.

Enough. As a society, culture or people, they should look within themselves and fix their problems. When did this man become the spokesman for the black church? And of course his church is different, but that doesn't mean his message and philosophy is acceptable, or productive or non-offensive or not-racist or indicative or our greater cultural behaviors, values and norms Americans. And yes, the link between this man and Obama really does matter. At a very minimum, it provides insight into the political and philosophical strain that Obama adheres to.

Comment by Bill Cosby - April 28, 2008
[Letter from an officer:]

Two weeks ago, as I was starting my sixth month of duty in Iraq, I was forced to return to the USA for surgery for an injury I sustained prior to my deployment. With luck, I'll return to Iraq in January to finish my tour. I left Baghdad and a war that has every indication that we are winning, only to return to a demoralized country much like the one I returned to in 1971 after my tour in Vietnam.

Maybe it's because I'll turn 60 years old in just four months, but I'm tired:

I'm tired of spineless politicians, both Democrat and Republican who lack the courage, fortitude, and character to see these difficult tasks through.

I'm tired of the hypocrisy of politicians who want to rewrite history when the going gets tough.

I'm tired of the disingenuous clamor from those that claim they 'Support the Troops' by wanting them to 'Cut and Run' before victory is achieved.

I'm tired of a mainstream media that can only focus on car bombs and casualty reports because they are too afraid to leave the safety of their hotels to report on the courage and success our brave men and women are having on the battlefield.

I'm tired so many Americans think you can rebuild a dictatorship into a democracy over night.

I'm tired so many ignore the bravery of the Iraqi people to go to the voting booth and freely elect a Constitution and soon a permanent Parliament.

I'm tired of the so called 'Elite Left' that prolongs this war by giving aid and comfort to our enemy, just as they did during the Vietnam War.

I'm tired of antiwar protesters showing up at the funerals of our fallen soldiers.
A family who's loved ones gave their life in a just and noble cause, only to be cruelly tormented on the funeral day by cowardly protesters is beyond shameful.

I'm tired that my generation, the Baby Boom - Vietnam generation, have such a weak backbone that they can't stomach seeing the difficult tasks through to victory. I'm tired that some are more concerned about the treatment of captives then they are the slaughter and beheading of our citizens and allies. I'm tired that when we find mass graves it is seldom reported by the press, but mistreat a prisoner and it is front page news.

Mostly, I'm tired that the people of this great nation didn't learn from history that there is no substitute for Victory.

Joe Repya
Lieutenant Colonel
U. S. Army 101st Airborne Division


Where's The Outrage?

This is a letter sent to the Wall Street Journal on August 8, 2008. I agree completely. I don't know whether that makes me a Libertarian, a Republican, a Democrat, or an Independent. I know that it synthesizes a lot of my beliefs. Reason is disappearing from our country. On July 31, 2008, the Wall Street Journal had an article titled, Where's the Outrage? Really.

I can tell you where the outrage is. The outrage is here, in this middle-aged, well-educated, upper-middle class woman. The outrage is here, but I have no representation, no voice. The outrage is here, but no one is listening for who am I?

I'm not a billionaire like George Soros that can fund an entire political movement. I'm not a celebrity like Barbra Streisand that can garner the attention of the press to promote political candidates. I'm not a film maker like Michael Moore or Al Gore that can deliver misleading movies to the public.
The outrage is here, but unlike those with money or power, I don't know how to reach those who feel similarly in order to effect change.

Why am I outraged? I am outraged that my country, the United States of America, is in a state of moral and ethical decline. There is no right or wrong anymore, just what's fair.

Is it fair that millions of Americans who overreached and borrowed more than they could afford are now being bailed out by the government and lending institutions to stave off foreclosure? Why shouldn't these people be made to pay the consequences for their poor judgment? When my husband and I purchased our home, we were careful to purchase only what we could afford. Believe me, there are much larger, much nicer homes that I would have loved to have purchased. But, taking responsibility for my behavior and my life, I went with the house that we could afford, not the house that we couldn't afford. The notion of personal responsibility has all but died in our country.

I am outraged, that the country that welcomed my mother as an immigrant from Hitler's Nazi Germany and required that she and her family learn English now allows itself to be overrun with illegal immigrants and worse, caters to those illegal immigrants.

I am outraged that my hard-earned taxes help support those here illegally; that the Los Angeles Public School District is in such disarray that I felt it incumbent to send my child to private school; that every time I go to the ATM, I see "Do you want to continue in English or Spanish?" .. that every time I call the bank, the phone company, or similar business, I hear "Press 1 for English or press 2 for Spanish." WHY? This is America, our common language is English, and attempts to promote a bi- or multi-lingual society are sure to fail and to marginalize those who cannot communicate in English.

I am outraged at our country's weakness in the face of new threats on American traditions from Muslims. Just this week, Tyson's Food negotiated with its union to permit Muslims to have Eid-al-Fitr as a holiday instead of Labor Day. What am I missing? Yes, there is a large Somali Muslim population working at the Tysons plant in Tennessee. Tennessee, last I checked, is still part of the United States. If Muslims want to live and work here they should be required to live and work by our American Laws and not impose their will on our long history. In the same week, Random House announces that they have indefinitely delayed the publication of The Jewel of Medina, by Sherry Jones, a book about the life of Mohammed's wife Aisha due to fear of retribution and violence by Muslims. When did we become a nation ruled by fear of what other immigrant groups want?

It makes me so sad to see large corporations cave rather than stand proudly on the principles that built this country.

I am outraged because appeasement has never worked as a political policy, yet appeasing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is exactly what we are trying to do. An excellent article, also published recently in the Wall Street Journal, went through over 20 years of history and why talking with Iran has been and will continue to be ineffective. Yet talk, with a madman no less, we continue to do. Have we so lost our moral compass and its ability to detect evil that we will not go in and destroy Iran's nuclear program? Would we rather wait for another Holocaust for the Jews, one which they would be unlikely to survive? When does it end?

As if the battle for good and evil isn't enough, now come the environmentalists who are so afraid of global warming that they want to put a bag tax on grocery bags in California; to eliminate Mylar balloons; to establish something as insidious as the recycle police in San Francisco. I do my share for the environment, I recycle, I use water wisely, I installed an energy efficient air conditioning unit. But when and where does the lunacy stop?

Ahmadinejad wants to wipe Israel off the map, the California economy is being overrun by illegal immigrants, and the United States of America no longer knows right from wrong; good from evil. So what does California do? Tax grocery bags.

So, America, although I can tell you where the outrage is, this one middle-aged, well-educated, upper middle class woman is powerless to do anything about it. I don't even feel like my vote counts because I am so outnumbered by those who disagree with me.

Alisa Wilson, Ph.D.
Beverly Hills, California




Check out Charlie and read his Soapbox sections - this is one intelligent, free-speaking man. God bless him - there should be more like him. I agree with so much that he is saying. Pray for our country.

Ain't No Mystery

In the last couple of weeks, there is no denying that Sarah Palin has attained superstar status in the political arena and the Democrats and the mainstream media are scratching their heads and wondering what hit them. In fact, in a matter of days, she has had more media scrutiny than Barack Obama has had in the past two years. I seriously doubt if they will admit the truth about Sarah Palin, even if they were able to accept it.

There's no deep dark mystery here, no Rosetta Stone required to decipher the Palin phenomenon. It's as simple as first grade arithmetic. Sarah Palin is the first politician to come along in decades who is truly one of 'We The People'. The distance between Alaska and Washington, DC has never been more apparent than when you hear this lady speak. Relaxed, confident, feminine and totally unafraid of the left-wing media that so terrifies the beltway bunch. She comes off as somebody who could live next door to you and very well come by to borrow a cup of sugar or offer to pick your kids up from school.

When you compare her to Barack Obama, he comes off as stiff, formal, arrogant and elitist, somebody who hides behind barricades and bodyguards, the kind of guy you'd never think of giving a hug to.

Compare her to Hillary Clinton, and Hillary comes off as an ice queen who has never done her own laundry or cooked a Thanksgiving dinner.

Compare her to Joe Biden, and Biden comes off as a guy you've probably never seen without a suit on, who represents politics as usual and the same old insider trading that has been going on in Washingtonfor way too long.

Compare her to Harry 'the war is lost, the surge is not working' Reid, and Harry Reid comes off like a pessimistic old man who hoards pennies and kicks cats.

Compare her to Nancy Pelosi who says we simply can't do anything about our energy situation.

Sarah Palin represents hope and practical solutions like drilling in ANWR in her home state of Alaska. Of course she'll have to talk her running mate into it. The bottom line is that Sarah Palin, in her feminine style of dress, her hair fashionably done, wearing makeup and talking common sense is just somebody who represents the regular folks, not the special interest groups, in fact she wouldn't even allow a lobbyist into her office as Governor of Alaska.

What Barrack Obama and all the empty suits in the Democrat party can't understand is that Sarah Palin represents somebody America feels they could sit down and have a cup of coffee with, someone who has not spent her life in politics or academia, but has been a wife, a mother and an ordinary American who has experienced first hand the problems rank and file citizens face on a daily basis.

And something they had better learn right away. America really likes Sarah, we identify with her, and a slap at her is a slap at us. And Americans don't like being slapped.

What do you think? Pray for our troops God Bless America

Charlie Daniels
September 8, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008


Obama 'Lying' About Muslim Past, Expert Says

Thursday, October 9, 2008 12:19 PMBy: David A. Patten

Sen. Barack Obama “is lying” when he insists that he has never prayed in a mosque and was never a Muslim, a prominent Middle East expert and journalist says. Daniel Pipes, founder of the Middle East Forum think tank, says he fully accepts that Obama is a Christian now. But there is strong evidence that Obama received a Muslim upbringing during his years in Indonesia, Pipes said. “It’s fine with me that he was a Muslim and a convert to Christianity,” Pipes told Newsmax. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal “is a convert from Hinduism. I have no problem with his conversion. What I have a problem with is that he’s lying” when he says he was never a Muslim.

Newsmax asked whether Pipes is alleging outright that Obama has lied about having a Muslim upbringing. Pipes’ response: “The evidence suggests to me that he is lying, yes.”
Pipes told Newsmax, “It would start with the fact that his father was a Muslim — granted, not a practicing Muslim, but in the Muslim world, if your father is a Muslim, you’re a Muslim. His father named him Hussein, which is a name only given to Muslim babies. He went with his stepfather to a mosque. They celebrated certain Muslim holidays at the mosque together. He had knowledge of the Koran. He had knowledge of Muslim prayers. You put all this together, he was a Muslim.”

Pipes contends that a Nov. 12 post on Obama’s Web site headlined, "Barack Obama Is Not and Has Never Been a Muslim," stated: "Obama never prayed in a mosque. He has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian."

Today, that post bears the same headline, but does not include an assertion that Obama “never prayed in a mosque” and “has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim.” The page now bears a quote Obama made during the Jan. 15 debate on MSNBC: “In the Internet age, there are going to be lies that are spread all over the place. I have been victimized by these lies. Fortunately, the American people are, I think, smarter than folks give them credit for.”

The current post, which includes links intended to debunk any Muslim connection, is headlined “Obama Has Never Been A Muslim, And Is a Committed Christian”. Several media outlets, including the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times, have reported on Obama’s schooling in Indonesia, where he lived from 1967 to 1971, which included Muslim religious studies.
It is known, for example, that Obama’s designation as a Muslim while attending a Catholic school may have simply reflected the fact that his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, was Muslim. Still, Obama was grouped with Muslim students at the school and engaged in weekly religious studies, including studying the Koran and learning Muslim prayers.

In 1970, Obama’s family moved and he was enrolled in a public school where children such as Obama who were identified as Muslim spent two hours a week studying Islam. A March 2007 Chicago Tribune article by Kim Barker, which stated several accounts had “distorted the reality” of Obama’s years in Indonesia, reported that he did irregularly attend Muslim prayer services at the local mosque.

Obama’s third-grade teacher at the Catholic school, Fermina Katarina Sinaga, told Barker that Obama accompanied his stepfather to pray at the mosque, doing so “rarely.” Pipes said Barker’s story bolsters his position that Obama was raised as a Muslim while he lived in Indonesia. His accounts of Obama’s upbringing have received a “very severe reaction from the left” and threats from some Muslims, he said. “The Islamists murmur and threaten,” Pipes said, declining to specify the threats he has received.

Pipes sees a whopping double standard in how the mainstream media has reported on Obama’s past. “It’s been quite fascinating to watch the careful picking over of Sarah Palin’s record, down to her library policies as mayor of Wasilla, and her possible false pregnancies, and so forth, an analysis that involved excruciating details in her case.”

He contrasts that to the “the general pass” the media has given Obama, whether over his career in the Illinois Senate, the Annenberg library papers, or his upbringing in Jakarta. Pipes said his reports have “simply been dismissed as untrue without any facts to counter it.”

The McCain campaign “has been very cautious about looking into Barack Obama at all,” said Pipes, adding that the GOP has demonstrated a general reluctance to raise questions about Obama’s past.

Pipes has posted four articles on his Web site, “”, defending his view that Obama was a Muslim. The articles include the assertion that “for some years (Obama) had a reasonably Muslim upbringing under the auspices of his Indonesian stepfather.” As a measure of the interest in Obama’s background, Pipes’ articles have attracted close to half a million hits.

One point of contention they raise: When someone is born of a Muslim father, do Muslims automatically consider him a Muslim? A group of more than 50 scholars recently posted a statement on, a Web site dedicated to fostering an understanding of Islam, that seeks to refute that assertion. The statement maintains that distortions about Obama’s past are “part of an Islamophobic hate campaign that fuels prejudice against Americans who practice their Islamic faith and Muslims worldwide.”

Their statement says, “The vast majority of Muslims accept the Qur’anic message that there is no compulsion in Islam. Since Senator Obama was not raised as a Muslim, he cannot be held accountable for the religious status of his father.”

That assertion sounds logical to Western ears, but Pipes’ rejects it flatly. "There is no doubt: It is a fact in Islam that the religion passes on through the father,” he told Newsmax. “And yet it’s denied as a falsehood by people who know better. They know better. It’s Islam 101.”

Supporting Pipes on that point is Shireen K. Burki, an adjunct professor of political science at the University of Mary Washington. Burki, who spent her childhood studying Islam at a school in Islamabad, Pakistan, has first-hand experience as the daughter of a Muslim father and a Christian mother.

“According to Islamic jurisprudence,” she wrote in a May article in the Christian Science Monitor, “children of a Muslim father — even an apparently nonpracticing one, such as Obama’s father, and irrespective of the mother’s faith — are automatically Muslims. Most Muslims around the world agree: A child of a Muslim father is a Muslim. Period.”

Given that Obama’s profession of Christianity is essentially uncontested, one might wonder whether it really matters whether Obama once was Muslim. To many of the world’s approximately 1.4 billion Muslims, it apparently would matter a great deal. Experts on Islam generally agree that someone who is born a Muslim (in effect, someone who had a Muslim father), who later renounces Islam, is considered an apostate.

Burki writes, “Should Obama become U.S. commander in chief, there is a strong likelihood that al-Qaida’s media arm, As-Sahab, will exploit his background to argue that an apostate is leading the global war on terror (read: attacks against fellow Muslims). This perception would be leveraged to galvanize sympathizers into action.”

She suggests the apostate tag would be a powerful propaganda weapon that al-Qaida could wield to marginalize America’s Middle East allies, causing “enormous difficulties” in the war against terror.

© 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved.



Lieberman Calls Obama 'Naïve,' May Bolt Party

Tuesday, October 7, 2008 3:23 PMBy: Tim Collie and David Patten

Sen. Barack Obama’s “naïve” world view could embolden America’s enemies during one of the most dangerous periods for America since the 1930s, U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman told Newsmax in an exclusive television sit-down interview Tuesday.

Lieberman, visiting Fort Lauderdale, Fla., also told Newsmax that he is so disappointed with the Democratic Party, he will consider whether to bolt the Democratic Senate caucus next session.

“I believe he’s naïve to think that people like [Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad and Tehran will somehow become America’s friends by talking to them — a warm embrace and a cup of tea. It’s not going to work that way,” said Lieberman.

McCain’s recent decline in the polls was “unfair” and “not rational,” Lieberman said, referring to the negative economic news that has impacted the McCain campaign.

The Connecticut senator suggested that many Americans don’t realize that the global economic crisis is also a security crisis—one that will require an experienced foreign policy hand like McCain to navigate.

“Frankly, he has to convince the American people that Barack Obama is not ready for prime time, that he’s not ready to be president of the United States,’’ Lieberman said. “Particularly not now, when we’re in two wars abroad and facing the most serious economic crisis we’ve faced since the Great Depression.”

“The very fact that the American people clearly trust John McCain more in a national security crisis is exactly the reason why they should have more confidence in him in an economic security crisis than Senator Obama,” said Lieberman.

In a wide-ranging interview, Lieberman also said:

• It’s important for the political process to question Obama’s ties to former Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers: “I think these are very fair questions and it’s now up to Senator Obama to answer them.”

• Barack Obama is clearly ‘not ready’ yet to be commander in chief, and the country’s adversaries, including Iran “will not fear him” if he were to become president.

• McCain should tout his economic plan that will emphasize tax cuts and job creation. He said it would be foolhardy to raise taxes in a recession, as Obama has promised.

• The Republicans must emphasize that his plan for energy independence will create “hundreds of thousands, I think millions of new jobs.”

Asked if he may leave his party and join with Senate Republicans, Lieberman said he had no immediate plans to make that move, but said he would consider it at a later date.

“The Democratic Party of today is not the Democratic Party that I joined in the '60s under my hero President Kennedy, and it’s not the Democratic Party of my dear friend Bill Clinton,” Lieberman said.

He introduced McCain's vice presidential running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, to a Boca Raton audience at an event that raised more than $1 million.



If any of you still feel that this war on terror is a mistake, here is an opinion from an unexpected source. It's fascinating that this should come out of Europe. Mathias Dapfner, Chief Executive of the huge German publisher Axel Springer AG, has written a blistering attack in DIE WELT, Germany's largest daily paper, against the timid reaction of Europe in the face of the Islamic threat.

This is a must-read by all Americans. History may well certify its correctness.

(Commentary by Mathias Dapfner CEO, Axel Springer, AG)

A while ago Henry Broder wrote in Welt am Sonntag, "Europe - your family name is appeasement." It's a phrase you can't get out of your head because it's so terribly true.

Appeasement cost millions of Jews and non-Jews their lives, as England and France, allies at the time, negotiated and hesitated too long before they noticed that Hitler had to be fought, not bound to toothless agreements.

Appeasement legitimized and stabilized Communism in the Soviet Union, then East Germany, then all the rest of Eastern Europe, where for decades, inhuman suppressive, murderous governments were glorified as the ideologically correct alternative to all other possibilities.

Appeasement crippled Europe when genocide ran rampant in Kosovo, and even though we had absolute proof of ongoing mass-murder, we Europeans debated and debated and debated, and were still debating when finally the Americans had to come from halfway around the world, into Europe yet again, and do our work for us.

Rather than protecting democracy in the Middle East, European Appeasement, camouflaged behind the fuzzy word "equidistance," now countenances suicide bombings in Israel by fundamentalist Palestinians.

Appeasement generates a mentality that allows Europe to ignore nearly 500,000 victims of Saddam's torture and murder machinery and, motivated by the self-righteousness of the peace movement, has the gall to issue bad grades to George Bush... Even as it is uncovered that the loudest critics of the American action in Iraq made illicit billions, no, TENS of billions, in the corrupt U.N. Oil-for-Food program.

And now we are faced with a particularly grotesque form of appeasement. How is Germany reacting to the escalating violence by Islamic Fundamentalists in Holland and elsewhere? By suggesting that we really should have a "Muslim Holiday" in Germany?

I wish I were joking, but I am not. A substantial fraction of our (German) Government, and if the polls are to be believed, the German people, actually believe that creating an Official State "Muslim Holiday" will somehow spare us from the wrath of the fanatical Islamists. One cannot help but recall Britain's Neville Chamberlain waving the laughable treaty signed by Adolph Hitler and declaring European "Peace in our time".

What else has to happen before the European public and its political leadership get it? There is a sort of crusade underway, an especially perfidious crusade consisting of systematic attacks by fanatic Muslims, focused on civilians, directed against our free, open Western societies, and intent upon Western Civilization's utter destruction.

It is a conflict that will most likely last longer than any of the great military conflicts of the last century - a conflict conducted by an enemy that cannot be tamed by "tolerance" and "accommodation" but is actually spurred on by such gestures, which have proven to be, and will always be taken by the Islamists for signs of weakness. Only two recent American Presidents had the courage needed for Anti-appeasement: Reagan and Bush.

His American critics may quibble over the details, but we Europeans know the truth. We saw it first hand: Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War, freeing half of the German people from nearly 50 years of terror and virtual slavery. And Bush, supported only by the Social Democrat Blair, acting on moral conviction, recognized the danger in the Islamic War against Democracy. His place in history will have to be evaluated after a number of years have passed.

In the meantime, Europe sits back with charismatic self-confidence in the multicultural corner, instead of defending liberal society's values and being an attractive center of power on the same playing field as the true great powers, America and China.

On the contrary - we Europeans present ourselves, in contrast to those "arrogant Americans", as the World Champions of "tolerance", which even (Germany's Interior Minister) Otto Schily justifiably criticizes. Why? Because we're so moral? I fear it's more because we're so materialistic, so devoid of a moral compass.

For his policies, Bush risks the fall of the dollar, huge amounts of additional national debt, and a massive and persistent burden on the American economy - because unlike almost all of Europe, Bush realizes what is at stake - literally everything.>

While we criticize the "capitalistic robber barons" of America because they seem too sure of their priorities, we timidly defend our Social Welfare systems. Stay out of it! It could get expensive! We'd rather discuss reducing our 35-hour workweek or our dental coverage, or our 4 weeks of paid vacation... Or listen to TV pastors preach about the need to "reach out to terrorists. To understand and forgive".

These days, Europe reminds me of an old woman who, with shaking hands, frantically hides her last pieces of jewelry when she notices a robber breaking into a neighbor's house.


Europe, thy name is Cowardice.

---God Bless America---

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008



Obama is hailed by the USA young people, who are finally old enough to vote, like celeberties. They seem carried away with the privilege ... without knowing or understanding what is really at stake here ... unsure of the seriousness of what we are really voting for. This is dangerous ... as their numbers are many. This is not class officer election ... THIS ELECTION WILL CHOOSE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE UNIVERSE ... THE HIGHEST OFFICE IN THE WORLD. THIS IS THE PERSON WHO WILL PROTECT US AND KEEP US FREE. Do these young people realize the seriousness of their vote?

It is time the older generation, The Greatest Generation woke up and began to voice their opinions ... loud and clear. It is time for Senator McCain to take off the gloves and start swinging ... hard ... standing tough ... telling it like it really is ... revealing Barack Obama's shady backgroud, lack of experience, little accomplishments. We remember the devastation Hitler brought on Germany and what Castro did to Cuba ... how they both hoodwinked the people, then when in office, enslaved their people, putting them in chains and prisons, taking away their freedom, confiscating their property, murdered thousands, destroyed their homeland and its people.

We really know little about Barack Obama ... few ever heard of him before the election ... and what has he accomplished to be running for President of this great land? He hasn't even been in the Senate long enough to pass any legislation ... has been absent for most of the Senate votes, has spent most of his term raising money and running for office. How can a man with no record of accomplishments consider himself ready to lead our powerful nation? He grew rich in office hoarding illegal money, along with several of his colleagues. The USA carried him along, blessing him with privileges ... like ivy league educations ... it goes on and on. When our children had the grades and could afford finer colleges, they couldn't be admitted as their quota of international students were priority ... our students had to wait while places meant for our children were given to un-Americans. It is not fair. Our campuses are filled with international students. We sacrificed to send 5 children to college, paying our way ... even paying double when out of state. Many foreign students are receiving free educations, paid for by our taxpayers. WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE PEOPLE?

Our country is suffering from apathy. We are spoiled, everything is too convenient. If we do not protect our country, this could all disappear. If we elect the wrong president, one who does not honor our American ways ... our flag ... our National Anthem ... our servicemen who are sacrificing their lives to keep us free, we could wake up one morning and find a very different country than we have today. While we sit blindly and idly by ...everything we know and love could just slip away. It is frightening to say the least.

I cannot believe what is happening to our country. Where is our pride and courage? As a child, we prayed every morning in school, said The Pledge of Allegiance, and sang patriotic songs ... it was wartime, WWII and all the children saved cans and paper, rubber and took turns standing in our lookout tower at school to search for strange planes. We grew victory gardens, rationed food, gas, sugar, coffee, most everything. Kids had little candy or gum. We shared our rations. We cared about each other, checked the Honor Roll daily to see who was new on the roster or missing ... or, God forbid, killed. The whole town suffered the losses ... we knew most of the boys.

To this day, I thank God for all our brave men who served our country well and fought to keep us free. When the old vets march by, I want to get down on my hands and knees and kiss the ground they walk on. They are the true heroes ... our servicemen and our astronauts. Obama said, in his book, if elected and things were not going well, his loyalties would be with the Muslims. Now what kind of man is that who wants to be President of the United States of America? WAKE UP PEOPLE!


Wednesday, January 9, 2008



This is 1 year after my father, Leonard La Flamme, was born and 3 years before my mother, Anne Ballard La Flamme, was born. This will boggle your mind, I know it did mine! The year is 1906. One hundred years ago. What a difference a century makes! Here are some of the U.S. statistics for the Year 1906:

The AVERAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY in the U.S. was 47 years old.

Only 14% of the HOMES in the U.S. had a BATHTUB.

Only 8% of the HOMES had a TELEPHONE.

A 3-min. call from DENVER-NEW YORK CITY cost $11.

There were ONLY 8,000 CARS in the U.S…and ONLY 144 mi. of PAVED ROADS.

The MAX. SPEED LIMIT in most cities was 10 MPH.

Alabama, Mississippi, Iowa, and Tennessee were each MORE HEAVILY POPULATED THAN CALIFORNIA.

With a mere 1.4 million people, California was only the 21st most populous state in the Union

The TALLEST structure in the WORLD was the EIFFEL TOWER!

The AVERAGE WAGE in the U.S. was 22 CENTS/ HR.

The AVERAGE U.S.WORKER made between $200 - $400 / YR.

A competent ACCOUNTENT could expect to earn $2000/ YR., a DENTIST $2,500 / YR., a VETERINARIAN $1,500/ YR., and a MECHANICAL ENGINEER about $5,000/ YR.

More than 95 % of all BIRTHS in the U.S. took place at HOME.

90% of all U.S. DOCTORS had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION! Instead, they attended so-called MEDICAL SCHOOLS, many of which were CONDEMNED in the press and the government as "SUBSTANDARD."

SUGAR cost 4-cents/lb. EGGS 14cents/doz. COFFEE 15 cents/lb.

Most WOMEN only WASHED their HAIR once/month, and used BOROX or EGG YOLKS for shampoo.

CANADA passed a law that PROHIBITED POOR PEOPLE from ENTERING into their COUNTRY for any reason.

1. Pneumonia and influenza

2. Tuberculosis

3. Diarrhea

4. Heart disease

5. Stroke

The American FLAG had 45 stars.

Arizona, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Hawaii, and Alaska HADN'T BEEN ADMITTED to the Union yet.




ONLY 6% of all Americans had GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL.

MARIJUANA, HEROIN, AND MORPHINE WERE ALL AVAILABLE OVER THE COUNTER AT LOCAL CORNER DRUGSTORES. Back then pharmacists said, "Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health." (Shocking? DUH! )

There were about 230 reported MURDERS in the ENTIRE U.S.A.!

Now I forwarded this from someone else without typing it myself, and sent it to you and others all over the United States, possibly the world, in a matter of just Seconds!!!

Just TRY TO IMAGINE ... what it may BE LIKE IN ANOTHER 100 YEARS!!!


Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Monday, October 18, 1937

[The Day I Was Born ... St. Joseph's Hospital ... Flint, MI ...
Leonard & Anne Ballard La Flamme]

Top News Headlines This Week:

Oct 1 - Pullman Co formally recognizes Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
Oct 2 - FDR visits Grand Coulee Dam construction site in Washington State
Oct 10 - NY Yankees beat Giants 4 games to 1 in 34th World Series
Oct 15 - Ernest Hemingway novel "To Have & Have Not" published
Oct 18 - Leonard & Anne La Flamme announce the birth of
a daughter, Carole Anne La Flamme
Oct 21 - Franco-troops occupies Gijon
Oct 25 - Casey Stengel signs to manage Boston Bees

Top Songs for 1937

That Old Feeling by Shep Fields
Once In Awhile by Tommy Dorsey
It Looks Like Rain in Cherry Blossom Lane by Guy Lombardo
September In the Rain by Guy Lombardo
The Dipsy Doodle by Tommy Dorsey
The Moon Got In My Eyes by Bing Crosby
Sweet Leilani by Bing Crosby
Boo Hoo by Guy Lombardo
Goodnight, My Love by Benny Goodman
Whispers In the Dark by Bob Crosby

US President: Franklin D. Roosevelt
US Vice President: John N. Garner

1937 Prices

Bread: $0.09/loaf
Milk: $0.50/gal
Eggs: $0.56/doz
Car: $675
House: $6,622
Stamp: $0.03/ea
Avg Income: $1,789/yr
DOW Avg: 121

Academy Award Winners:

Best Picture:
The Life Of Emile Zola Produced by Warner Bros
Best Actor:
Spencer Tracy in
Captains Courageous
Best Actress:
Luise Rainer in The Good Earth

People born on October 18

1889 - Fannie Hurst novelist (1019?)
1934 - Inger Stevens Stockholm Sweden, actress (Katy-Farmer's Daughter)
1939 - Lee Harvey Oswald JFK assassin, born
1971 - Bob Whitfield, NFL tackle (Atlanta Falcons)
1405 - Pius II, [Aenea S Piccolomini], Italian pope (1458-64) (Cynthia)
1925 - Melina Mercouri Athens Greece, actress/politician (Never on a Sunday)
1939 - Mike Ditka coach/tight-end (Bears, Cowboys, NFL rookie year 1961)
1972 - James Stream Thurmond Jr, son of US senator Strom Thurmond
1937 - Carole Anne La Flamme Beighey (Author-Waddodle Series)
1811 - Hugh Thompson Reid, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1874
1926 - Chuck Berry St Louis, rocker (Roll over Beethoven)
1958 - Jean-Claude Van Damme Belgium, actor (Kickboxer, No Retreat)
1818 - Edward Otho Cresap Ord, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1883
1970 - Shane Bonham, NFL defensive linesman (Detroit Lions)
1831 - Frederik III NK of Hohenzollern, German Kaiser/king of Prussia
1951 - Pam Dawber Detroit, actress (Mindy-Mork & Mindy, My Sister Sam)
1890 - [Agathe] Henri‰tte [M de Beaufort], Dutch author (Rembrandt)
1902 - Miriam Hopkins, Bainbridge GA, actress (Becky Sharp, These Three)
1922 - Little Orphan Annie comic strip character
1919 - Pierre Elliot Trudeau (L) 15th Canadian PM (1968-79, 1980-84)
1956 - Martina Navratilova Prague Czech, tennis (Wimbledon 1989,79,82-87)
1921 - Jesse Helms (Sen-R-NC) right-wing
1942 - Willie Horton baseball slugger (Detroit Tigers)
1926 - George C Scott Wise Va, actor (Patton, Bible, Taps, Hardcore)
1950 - Patrick L Swindall, (Rep-R-GA, 1985- )
Gary Hoyle (2nd Cousin)
Larry Murtha, Jr. (2nd Cousin)
Meg Harrington (Annie's Friend)

Hot New Toys in 1937

1936 - Monopoly
1936 - Scientific Football
1934 - Radio Flyer "Streak-O-Lite"
1934 - Parker Brothers' "Sorry!"
1930 - Mickey Mouse Dolls
1929 - Duncan Yo-Yo
1928 - Chinese Checkers
1924 - Tootsietoys
1919 - Pogo Stick
1917 - Radio Flyer "Liberty Coaster"
1916 - Lincoln Logs
1915 - Raggedy Ann
1914 - Tinkertoy
1913 - Erector Set
1903 - Crayola Crayons
1902 - Teddy Bear
1901 - Lionel Trains
1892 - Ouija Boards
1888 - Gund Soft Toys
1888 - Tiddledy Winks
1870 - Snakes and Ladders
1867 - Parcheesi
1865 - Cap Guns
Spinning Top
Rubber Baby Doll
Wooden Building Blocks

Top Books in 1937

1937 - U.S.A. (trilogy) by John Dos Passos
1937 - Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen
1937 - Roller Skates by Ruth Sawyer
1936 - Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink
1935 - The Studs Lonigan Trilogy by James T. Farrell
1935 - The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money by John Maynard Keynes
1935 - The Strange Death of Liberal England by George Dangerfield
1935 - Dobry by Monica Shannon
1934 - I, Claudius by Robert Graves
1934 - Appointment in Samarra by John O'Hara
1934 - Tender Is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald
1934 - A Handful of Dust by Evelyn Waugh
1934 - Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller
1934 - The Postman Always Rings Twice by James M. Cain
1934 - Invincible Louisa: The Story of the Author of Little Women by Cornelia Meigs
Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell
